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Car mats with a heel protector

Car mats come in all types and sizes. This allows you to choose from multiple kinds of carpeting, multiple different borders, multiple types of stitching, and you can even get a logo printed onto the mat. 

Besides logos and multiple types of stitching, you can also opt for a heel protector on the drivers side mat. 

But what's the deciding factor when considering a heel protector for your mat? Below you'll find out if it's a wise decision, or not, for you to have a heel protector put in. 

Car mats with a heel protector: Extra protection for longer durability.

Whilst accelerating, braking, and shifting gears, you move your feet around a lot. You slide the heels of your shoes across the mat. These movements cause the drivers side mat to wear and tear quicker than the other mats. A heel protector prevents this from happening. 

The heel protector is placed exactly on the right spot to ensure that the drivers side mat is optimally protected from the extra pressure that is exerted on the middle of the mat. 

Why a heel protector is nearly always recommended:

You've probably seen cars wherein the drivers side mat isn't equipped with a heel protector. That's fine. 

Some people specifically choose to not have a heel protector put in, possibly because they don't like the aesthetic. 

But you can surely imagine how a heel protector would ensure a considerably longer lifespan. Car mats without a heel protector experience the most wear right in front of the pedals. And the drivers side mats wear a lot faster than the other mats which is proven by the large demand for these mats. If you opt for a heel protector, your drivers side mat will stay good just as long as the other mats. 

However it's not necessary to have a heel protector placed on every kind of mat. It may seem obvious, but our strongest carpeting can withstand heavy use and it has a 4 year warranty.

Car mats with the longest lifespan 

Certain kinds of car mats are so strong that they don't need a heel protector. These mats are made to withstand heavy usage. 

Take our saxony carpeting for example, these mats are so strong that they're extremely durable with or without a heel protector. 

Velour and luxury velour car mats

Besides Saxony, we also have velour and luxury velour mats; beautiful car mats with a luxurious aesthetic but a bit thinner than the Saxony mats. For this reason, we recommend a heel protector with these mats.

The price of a heel protector

Placing a heel protector on the drivers side mat costs an extra €5 and can be selected during the ordering process.


Putting a heel protector on your car mat is completely up to you. In any case, we recommend doing so for all mats with the exception of the Saxony and rubber mats.


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